Nepal is the world’s access point to the Himalaya.

And it knows it. In fact, it has somewhat of a monopoly. Tibet is fraught with geopolitical conflict, Bhutan is expensive, and the Indian Himalaya is more remote.

This is an easy country to hike in, with well-marked trails and killer payoff in the form of magnificent mountain views. The tea houses mean you don’t even need a tent. However, you’ll pay the price of its popularity. Indeed there’s a flood of tourists and the touts to go along with them. In the more popular areas, many of the locals are hardened to the chaos. Prices are higher than you’d expect and smiles more curt. And don’t get us started on the prevalence of food poisoning.

But, the mountains are unequivocally worth it. Getting off the beaten track is difficult here (especially without a guide), but when you do, you’ll be rewarded with true Nepali hospitality and unspoiled views.


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