2 years? 2 people. $15/day.

It started long ago with a year off. A glorious disaster of hurried trains from Paris to Rome to Prague. Overstimulated young Americans, we paid too much and saw too little, despite our ambitions.

We've gotten smarter. Now, we spend our free time editing photos, writing snarky posts, and perusing Lonely Planet. We only fly carry on and never leave home without our tent.

It's been a spectacular journey. After that first summer, we trudged dizzying loop around Southeast Asia, got in way over our heads in India (well actually our heads were mostly in the toilet), lived in both Spain and the Netherlands, and finally discovered how awesome and exhausting trekking can be in South America. 

So what's next?

We began a period of long-term travel as soon as we graduated university. That was nearly two years ago. So far, we’ve hiked some of the best trails in the world (shout out to you New Zealand, Nepal, and France), received spectacular Central Asian hospitality, hitch-hiked everywhere from Norway to Tasmania, and made meaningful connections in over 40 countries.

We set out with a goal to travel on $25 a day for the pair of us. As of now, we’ve undercut that number by about half.

Our bottomed out budget would only be possible with clever hacks from experiences like Workaways to spectacular treks that you can do for absolutely nothing. During our time traveling, we have eaten at the best restaurant in the world, slept in the second biggest cave, and miraculously never contracted bed bugs. We have, on the other hand, had our share of gastrointestinal battles.

This year, we won’t lie, life is a bit tougher. With each of us spending just over $6 per day, we’ve wandered into a world of couchsurfing, camping, and hitch hiking. Sometimes we want to kill each other, and other times we can’t believe we’re lucky enough to be on this (seemingly) never ending journey. Plus, if we haven’t proved that travel can be accessible for nearly any budget, nothing will.

No matter what your budget, we hope our experiences will help you out on your own journey. Take whatever inspires you from Eastward Bounds. There are plenty of our city guides, with maps and details about some of our favorite places. We'll also include tips and tricks to demystify the planning process with articles on everything from visas to outdoor gear. Plus some existential musings for good measure. Sometime soon, when you get a chance, read this. It will tell you a little more about us and how you might be able to use the site.

If you can't tell, we're pretty excited.

Plan more, spend less, and experience everything you can.

♡ Stefan and Tori



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As a personal blog, Eastward Bounds holds the polished versions of our opinions and experiences. All information should be taken with a grain of salt: things change and people's perceptions differ. As such, we are not liable for any inaccurate information or trouble that information may cause (losses, damages, injuries, etcetera). We will, of course, do our best to provide you with a useful and usable travel resource.

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Rest assured, we will not sell or distribute any personal details, collected by cookies or provided by you. In fact, most of them are not that personal - we care less about what you did last summer and more about how old you are, what gender you identify with, and which search terms you use to plan your vacation.

By using this website, you agree to these policies. Of course, contact us if you ever have a concern.